Zerorez Fleet Graphics get Modern Updates
Fleet graphics can be intimidating – with several vehicles to outfit, you want to make sure you get the design right. Zerorez is a great example of effective fleet wrap advertising. The owner has steadily grown the company over 10+ years while at the same time updating his fleet graphics little by little along the way.
“I have the pleasure of working with the owner and the marketing staff every time a new vehicle comes into the fleet,” Signs for Success designer Kimberly Hoffmann explained. Over the span of a decade, the van wrap design has remained more or less the same, but little details are changed every so often to keep the vehicle wraps fresh and modern. “The most recent update to the design was adding the black hood and black rear doors, which seems to be trendy nowadays,” Kimberly said.
There are a few timeless details that really make these fleet van wraps pop. Crisp graphics use the entire length of the van, and the large Zerorez logo makes the vehicle instantly recognizable. Mixed finishes and accents are certainly trending right now in vehicle graphics, so Zerorez was smart to add touches of contrasting black to their fleet graphics.
By updating graphics, they’re not stuck with one design for too long. Making improvements has really allowed their fleet wrap advertising to excel, improving both sales and brand recognition.
Signs for Success is experienced in vehicle wraps and fleet wraps and can help any business improve their wrap advertising. If it’s time for an update, give us a call or request a free quote!