Day Night Channel Letters Play with Color
Day Night Channel Letters create a unique look between daytime and night. Traditional channel letters will typically show the same color day and night, but with 3M’s Day Night Film, you can achieve two different face colors. Since the best day color choice might not be the best choice for nighttime, Day Night Channel Letters get you a visually compelling and effective sign for both day and night.
Also known as a light management film, this specialty film produces the appearance of dark graphics during the day and the appearance of white or colored graphics at night. The film is perfect for illuminated signs and lasts up to 9 years. With 47% light transmission, 3M’s film works as a diffuser so letters appear dark during daytime and white when lit at night.
“This is the second job we have done for Apex Physical Therapy. The first one at their north store was for new polycarbonate/Lexan faces in a pole sign and two monument signs, as well as door and window vinyl for name and hours. Bernadette Hamilton from BLH Marketing worked on the logo and rebranding,” Signs for Success designer Vanessa Bogensberger explained. “Next we worked in channel letters for the Sunset Highway/Airway Heights location. They did not like white letters during the day, so we discussed a “day black, night white” face option. They loved it! The channel letter set turned out very nice, and within budget.”
Apex Physical Therapy liked the look of black letters on their sign, but needed them to be illuminated at night. Since white reflects all the colors of the light spectrum, it is arguably the most effective night color choice. The diffuser film used over their Day Night Channel Letters also helps distribute illumination evenly and eliminate “hot spots.” We’re happy we could help them achieve an effective and great looking sign for both day and night!
Signs for Success is a locally owned family business in Spokane, and we strive for excellent customer service, perfect color, and quick turnaround on every project. Our large production facility allows us to design, print and install everything in-house. Contact us for a free quote on day night channel letters.