
Gaura custom dry erase wallpaper

Keep the Family Organized with Custom Dry Erase Wallpaper

Gaura custom dry erase wallpaper

Gaura custom dry erase wallpaper

From color coded calendars to scheduled de-clutter sessions, every family has to find a way that works for them to get organized and stay organized.  The Gaura family designed a giant organization chart, and Signs for Success printed it to dry erase wallpaper.  Now scheduling activities, coordinating chores and planning meals is simple and centralized on a large wall in the family’s hub—the kitchen.  The Gauras use fluorescent dry erase markers to stand out on the sleek black dry erase surface.

The design was created by Billie Gaura of Rainmaker, printed and laminated by Signs for Success and installed by Gale Fleming Wallpaper.  We printed the black dry erase wall on Smooth Type II Wallpaper, then laminated the print with dry erase glossy film, which makes the wallpaper dry erase compatible.  Our dry-erase laminate works just as well as the real things, making scheduling (and rescheduling) a breeze.

“I posted a picture of [the wall] on Facebook last night and already have 110 likes, and it’s been repinned 18 times. That’s quite a response!  We have three orders for them, too. I didn’t imagine that it would turn into a sales opportunity; I just wanted one for our family!” Billie Gaura said.

Dry erase wallpaper is completely customizable.  Custom sizing means we can create an entire dry erase wall, but we can also produce any dimensions to fit a smaller space or frame.  Also customizable are the graphics we print.  Not a cook?  We can nix the meal chart and use the space for a giant calendar instead, or even create a large feature art wall.  The design is completely up to the customer, and our in-house designers are more than happy to help create custom details.  Contact us for a free quote on custom dry erase wallpaper!

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