Wall Wrap – Brick Wall Wrap
Modern large format print technology is amazing, especially when it comes to wrap vinyl. Specific wrap films make it possible to get your image on just about any surface. One very cool application for wrap film is on outdoor walls and buildings for wall wrap. A large professional advertisement on something you already own (or are renting) is definitely a smart move.
One of our longtime clients, BHW1, had just such a project in mind when their client, Whitworth University, opened a branch location in the downtown Spokane University District. They wanted to promote the new location with a large 4’ x 20’ banner on the outside of the building; however, because the building was new and banner installation would require penetrations into the brick surface, property management nixed the idea. The Signs for Success design team came up with an alternative solution – a wall wrap using a wrap film specifically developed for porous surfaces.
The 3M IJ2684 film with matching IJ2685 laminate is perfect for a brick wall wrap. Just by applying heat, this flexible vinyl film will conform to almost any surface, including rough, uneven brick.
The first brick wall wrap was installed in the summer of 2010.
It was removed and replaced by updated wall graphics in 2012. Removing the wall wrap is a breeze because it has a releasable adhesive and won’t leave a sticky mess. Once the old vinyl was reheated and removed, the Signs for Success install team applied the new brick wall wrap.
The finished installation has a retro hand-painted look because the film forms to every bump, nook and cranny in the surface. A brick wall wrap was the perfect solution for this outdoor sign project because it didn’t affect the building structure, is weather-resistant, and is easily replaceable when graphics need an update.
Wrap vinyl creates a smooth, paint-like finish on almost any surface, and custom graphics allow you to personalize an object you already own, maximizing your advertising dollar. Whether you want a vehicle wrap, window wrap, or boat wrap, Signs for Success can do it all!